Create your own friends to survive the holy inquisition!

- Please see below and the FAQs if you encounter any issues. And please leave a comment and we will reply to you asap! -

Rule #0:  Toggling the necromancy panel will slow down the time significantly.

Rule #1:  At least 1 leg in the "lower slots" is required to enable movement ability for the "friends".

Rule #2:  Only legs can be assigned to "lower slots". You can skip them tho.

Rule #3:  You can skip the highlighting slot (for whatever reason) by clicking the "Skip Slot" button.

Note:  Not only stats, but different parts will also have different behaviors, please try them out!

Q: How can I know when will I win the game?

A: We believe that when you encounter the "one-eyed dual-wield scepter" enemy, that will be the last wave. We are sorry that currently, the game seems bugged as it can not trigger the end game after the last wave of enemies.

Q: How can I collect "body parts"?

A: There are two ways: 1. Defeating enemies - You will be auto-collecting them when you walk near the drops. 2. Hex Ritual - There is a ritual site that will spawn one "body part" per 10 seconds.


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The friend raising is a very interesting concept! But, movement and combat feels a bit clunky (maybe a little slow). I think a ranged attack would have been a nice touch to make attacking and supporting your minions easier. Love the art style in general, but not sure what I think about the background image being lower resolution compared to everything else. Keep it up!

It's very good game.i haven't understand whole gameplay yet but it's good.

Hi, thanks for trying our game. It's a pity that we can't provide enough guides inside the game. Now we are setting up the game page so feel free to raise questions and we will be adding them to the page description.